Ministry & Outreach
You are loved with a love that you did not earn, and therefore, can never lose. This is the truth of God’s love for you in Christ. So let’s walk together in love as Christ loved us.
At St. Mary’s, we’re dedicated to fostering connection within our community. Together we journey towards a deeper connection with Christ, a better understanding of our faith, and the practical applications to live it out. Join us as we walk together in faith and fellowship.
Find your place. Get connected.
Breakfast Club - Our St. Mary's family believes that the power of prayer can make a practical difference to those in need. Every Tuesday morning at Breakfast Club members of our church gather for a time of delicious food and fellowship. An important part of this time together is also spent in prayer. It is our desire as a church family to cover those in need with prayer and to remain committed to praying for their healing, comfort, peace, and joining them in celebration of praise! We pray for our church family, our community, our diocese, the leaders of our country, and the world.
Coffee & Conversation - Join us between services on Sunday for a time of discipleship and fellowship. This class is held in a comfortable, approachable format led by our rector where we can ask questions and dig deeper into our faith. All are welcome to participate.
Wednesday Worship - We invite you to participate in Wednesday Worship at St. Mary's! Each week we begin our evening together with a potluck dinner and fellowship, followed by our prayer and praise service. This service is casual and contemplative. It includes current songs of praise, along with a blend of beautiful hymns.
Special Events - Throughout the year our church community hosts a variety of seasonal and special events, such as Trunk or Treat, Pancake Suppers, Chili Cook-off, Preschool Sunday, and more!
Al’manah - Our Al’manah ministry meets monthly to provide emotional, spiritual, and tangible support to those walking the path of widowhood. Join us for a time of comfort and care.
Prayer Shawl - The “Knit Wits” meet weekly to knit or crochet scarves and shawls to donate to local hospitals and shelters. This committed ministry provides over 500 shawls and scarves annually. Interested in joining, but need a few tips to get started? No worries! We have plenty of gifted ladies willing to lend a hand at teaching the basics.
Servant’s Heart - At St. Mary’s, we believe compassion should be met with action. Each month a group of our parishioners volunteer at Servant’s Heart Ministry by assembling grocery bags for the most vulnerable in our local community. It is also our joy to partner with them during the holiday season to provide Christmas presents for families in need. To learn more about Servant's Heart, visit here.
Food Drive - Jesus called us to feed the hungry. Throughout the year we gather and deliver baskets of non-perishable food items to The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist in support of their food pantry. One of our favorite holiday traditions at St. Mary’s is creating and donating over 50 Thanksgiving dinner baskets, each containing a complete holiday meal to be enjoyed by those in need.
Sunday School - Our Sunday School classroom is an engaging environment of interactive lessons, activities, and crafts that help bring to life Bible stories from the Old and New Testament for children ages PreK-2nd grade.
Youth Group - We’re growing our youth ministry! Currently, we meet throughout the year for fun events, studies, and service projects. We also participate in Diocesan Youth Events.
DOK - Daughters of the King (DOK) is an international women’s lay order that focuses on prayer, service, and evangelism. To learn more, click here.
St. Monica’s Guild - A ministry of the National Episcopal Church Women, St. Monica’s Guild is dedicated to fostering a community of spiritual growth, fellowship, and service among women.
Altar Guild - Members of the Altar Guild prepare and care for our altar, Sunday flowers, and holiday decorations. This dedicated team has a heart for worship and an eye for detail.
Servers - Supporting the liturgical needs of our weekly services, there are multiple opportunities to participate: Acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Ushers, or Greeters.
Choir & Musicians - Using their artistic gifts for God’s glory, this ministry supports the experiential needs of our services. We are blessed by their time and talent!
Tech Team - Members of our Tech Team support our services through sound, camera and livestream operation.
St. Mary’s has been educating the smallest learners for more than 50 years in the Belle Isle area of Orlando. Our preschool plays an integral role in the ministry of St. Mary’s and is a celebrated resource within our community.