We believe we are called to carry an ancient faith into the future.
How We Worship
On Sundays, our early service is a quiet, reverent time of worship filled with scripture and prayer. This service uses traditional language and does not have music. Our 10:00AM service honors the traditions of the early church while making them applicable for the modern world. This service is filled with music, blended with time-tested hymns and praise. PreK-2nd Sunday School is available at the 10:00AM service.
Our services follow the liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer. The prayer book is rooted in Scripture and organized for worship. Through this tradition we are unified with other believers around the world who are seeking to follow Christ and worship together, through common prayer. New to a liturgical church? Don’t worry! Everything you need will be provided to join us in worship.
What We Believe
We believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world. We hold to the creeds of the ancient church, The Apostle’s Creed and The Nicene Creed. A creed is a statement of belief and these creeds provide a deep and wide overview of our faith foundation. Questions? Sharing our faith is truly a conversation and we’d love to have that conversation with you.
As part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, we are connected to The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida and The Episcopal Church.